Recent Events
The links below lead to pages with details of menus served
at the events.
Entries marked with a camera icon also include photos of venues, table
decorations, flower arrangements etc..
December 2024
Howe Robinson
Partners - Ex-Directors' Lunch, The
Wax Chandlers Hall, London
Pikeman Neill Treasure - Division of
Pikemen Dinner, Armourers' Hall, London
November 2024
St Johns Lodge 1564
- Watermens' Hall, City of London
Presentation of Wings to 23
- 40th Anniversary Lunch, Guildhall, City of London
The Company of Merchants of the Staple of England -
Advent Feast, Watermens' Hall, London
Broad Street Ward Club - Annual Luncheon, The Crypts at Guildhall, City of London
Hill House International Junior
- Founders Feast, Cutlers' Hall, City of London
Apollo 19 Past Masters Association -
Annual General Meeting, Wax Chandlers' Hall, London
October 2024
The Ward of Cheap Club - Civic Luncheon, The Livery Hall, Guildhall,
City of London
September 2024
The Trades of Glasgow - Glasgow in
London Dinner, The Old Library, Guildhall, City of London
August 2024
July 2024
The City Livery Club
- Civic Banquet, Stationers' Hall, London

Zoomers 2019-2020 -
Summer Celebration Lunch , Trinity House, London
Coleman Street Ward Club
- The Summer Luncheon, Armourers' Hall, City of London
June 2024
Lime Street Ward Club -
Civic Luncheon, The Crypts,
Guildhall, City of London
May 2024
The Worshipful Company of
Coachmakers -
Marking the Centenary Year of The Fleet Air Arm, Guildhall, City of London

The City Livery Club
- The Best Of Switzerland, Swiss Wine Tasting, Guildhall Club, London
The Gin
Guild - Spring installation & Gin Industry Annual Dinner,

April 2024
Sheriffs Society - AGM & Luncheon, Guildhall , City of London
Langbourn Ward Club
- Banquet Dinner, Guildhall, Gresham Street, London
Board Of Grand Stewards - Board Meeting & Successors' Dinner,
Cutlers Hall, City of London

Honour of Lady Lingfield - Piano Recital and Dinner,
Armourers' Hall, City of London
Portsoken Ward Club - Civic Reception & Dinner, Guildhall , City of London
Tower Ward
Club - Annual Civic Luncheon, Guildhall, City of London
Farrington Ward Club
- Annual Civic Lunch - The Guildhall, London
The Wedding of Isatu Kamara and Stephen Liu - Wax Chandlers' Hall, London
March 2024
Apollo 19 Past Masters Association -
Annual General Meeting, Wax Chandlers' Hall, London
City of
London Corporation - Civic Dinner, Chief Commoners' Parlour,
City Livery Yacht Club
- Fitting out Dinner, Watermens' Hall, City of London
Bishopsgate Ward Club - Civic Luncheon, The Crypts, Guildhall, London
Billingsgate Ward Club
- Luncheon for Members and Guests - The Crypts, Guildhall,
80th United Guilds Service - City of London
Court Lunch - City of London
20-Ghost Club - Annual
Dinner, Cutlers' Hall, London
The House Committee Dinner -
Members Private Dining Room, City of London
February 2024
Lime Street Ward Club -
Annual Installation Dinner, Cutlers Hall, City of London
International Coachman's Dinner - An
International Coachman's Dinner, Waterman's Hall, London
City of
London Corporation - Sir Howard Panter & Dame Rosemary Squire, Freedom
Celebratory Lunch, City of London
Worshipful Company of Nurses - Court Dinner, City of London
January 2024
London Market- Living the Vision Awards Dinner, Guildhall, London
The Worshipful
Company of Poulters - The Christmas Court Lunch, Trinity House,
Armourers' Hall, City of London
December 2023
Exchange - Staff & Council Christmas Lunch, Watermen's Hall, City of London

The Guards Museum -
Directors of Music of the Household Division Past & Present Annual Luncheon, The Guards
Museum, London
November 2023
The Company of Merchants of the Staple of England -
Advent Feast, Watermens' Hall, London
Exchange - 50 Year Membership Celebratory Lunch, Watermen's Hall, City of London

The Rifles
- Biennial Awards Dinner , Guildhall, City of London

The Spitfires -
President's Fifth Anniversary Banquet , Trinity House, London

Hill House
- Founders Feast, Cutlers' Hall, City of London
City Livery Club
- Installation Dinner, Cutlers' Hall, London
October 2023
Exchange - 50 Year Membership Celebratory Lunch, Watermen's Hall, City of London
Bermuda Society - Annual Dinner for Members and Guests,
Armourers' Hall, City of London
The Anchorites -
Watermen's Hall, City of London
City of
London Corporation - Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert, Freedom
Celebratory Lunch, City of London
September 2023
July 2023
June 2023
The Guards Museum - King
Charles III reviewed the Household Division on Horse Guards, The Guards
Museum, London

April 2023
Langbourn Ward Club
- Banquet Dinner, Guildhall, Gresham Street, London
March 2023
January 2023
CITO - Lodge Ladies Night, The Armourers
and Brasiers' Hall, City of London
The Worshipful Company Of Educators -
Court Dinner, Guildhall,
December 2022
November 2022
Hill House
- Founders Feast, Cutlers' Hall, City of London
Ward of Cheap Club - Civic Luncheon, The Livery Hall, Guildhall, City of
October 2022
The City Pickwick Club - The
Immortal Memory of Charles Dickens - Guildhall Club, The Guildhall, London
The Spitfires - Sovereign Tribute
Battle of Britian Lunch - Watermen's, Hall, London
September 2022
July 2022
June 2022
Brigantes City of London Liverymen in The
North -The Brigantes Breakfast, The Tower Ballroom,
Lime Street Ward Club -
Civic Luncheon, The Livery Hall,
Guildhall, City of London
May 2022
Castle Baynard Ward Club -
Annual Dinner, The East Crypt At Guildhall, City of London
The Company
of Watermen and Lightermen - Watermens Dinner to celebrate The Queens
Platinum Jubilee, Watermen's Hall,
April 2022
Society of Saint George - Banquet to Celebrate Saint George's day 100th
Guildhall, City of London
Billingsgate Ward Club
- Luncheon for Members and Guests - The Crypts, Guildhall,
March 2022
The Worshipful Company of Cordwainers -
750th Anniversary Banquet, Guildhall, London
February 2022
December 2021
City Food Lecture 2022 -
Sponsors and Comittee Winter Dinner, Bakers' Hall, City of London
The Worshipful Company Of Educators -
Advent Carol Service, VOCES8 Centre,
November 2021
The Company of Merchants of the Staple of England -
Watermens' Hall, London
The Rifles
- Awards Dinner 2020 and 2021, Guildhall, City of London
Pellipar Lodge No 2693 -
Wax Chandlers Hall, London
Millenium Masters' -
Twenty-First Annual Luncheon, Trinity House, London
Lancastrians in London -
Annual City Dinner,
Armourers' Hall, City of London
Coleman Street Ward Club -
Annual Autum Luncheon, Livery Hall, Guildhall, City of London
October 2021
Armed Forces Parliamentary Trust -
Presentatioin of Fruit to the Lord Mayor, The Guards Museum, London
The Phoenix Masters - Annual Dinner'
Bakers' Hall,
September 2021
Worshipful Company Of Woolmen - Canadian Wool Council celebration
Dinner - Watermens Hall, London
Billingsgate Ward Club
- Luncheon for Members and Guests - The Crypts, Guildhall,
Farrington Ward Club
- Annual Civic Lunch - The Guildhall, London
The Spitfires - Reunion Luncheon
Battle of Britian - Watermens, Hall London
August 2021
July 2021
Museum - Summer in the Westminster Park

June 2021
October 2020
July 2020
February 2020
January 2020
December 2019
November 2019
September 2019
National Bakery School - 125th Anniversary Event at Bakers Hall, London

July 2019
The Rifles -
Regimental Dinner, The Old Library, Guildhall, City of London

June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
City of
London Corporation - Planning and Transportation Committee Dinner,
Carpenters' Hall, London

January 2019
Aldersgate Ward Club
- Annual Luncheon, The Livery Hall, Guildhall, City of London
November 2018
October 2018
City of London Clerks Coven - Annual Halloween Luncheon, Guildhall Club, City of London
Inns of Court & City Yeomanry -
Dinner Night, Officers' Mess, Inns of Court & City Yeomanry

Leander Club - 200th Anniversary
Dinner, Guildhall - City of London

September 2018
H.P.M. & N.A.R - Armourers' Hall, City of London
July 2018
Coleman Street Ward Club - Luncheon, Livery Hall, Guildhall, City of London
The Rifles - Officers' Regimental Dinner, Art Gallery & Old Library, Guildhall, City of London
The Worshipful Company of Carmen - Cart Marking 2018 Luncheon, Great Hall, Guildhall, City of London

June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
The Ward of Cheap Club - Civic Luncheon, The Crypts, Guildhall,
City of London
March 2018
Cripplegate Ward Club - Annual
Civic Luncheon, The Old Library at Guildhall, City of London
City of
London Corporation - Chief Commoners' Dinner, Chief Commoners' Parlour,
Tower Ward
Club - Annual Luncheon, The Old Library,
Guildhall, City of London
Billingsgate Ward Club - Luncheon, The Livery Hall, Guildhall, London
February 2018
Ward Club - Annual Civic Lunch, The Crypts, Guildhall, City of
Bishopsgate Ward Club - Civic Luncheon, The Crypts, Guildhall, London
January 2018
City of
London Corporation - Barbican Residential Committee Dinner, Cutlers' Hall,
Aldersgate Ward Club
- Annual Luncheon, The Livery Hall, Guildhall, London
December 2017
Marsha Rae's Investiture - Celebration and Thank You Dinner, Trinity
House, London
Candlewick Ward Club
- Annual Breakfast, The Old Library, Guildhall, City of London
November 2017
Great 13 - The Fifth Annual General Meeting Luncheon, Bakers'
Hall, London
The Rifles
- Regimental Dinner, The Crypts at Guildhall, City of London
October 2017
City of London Clerks Coven -
Annual Halloween
Luncheon, Guildhall Club, City of London

The Ward of Cheap Club - Civic Luncheon, The Old Library in Guildhall,
City of London
September 2017
The Sheriffs'
Breakfast - The Old Library at Guildhall, City of London

July 2017
Wedding Breakfast - The Old
Library at Guildhall, City of London

May 2017
Wedding Breakfast -
The Crypts at Guildhall, City of London

Wedding Reception -
The Crypts at Guildhall, City of London

April 2017
March 2017
Cripplegate Ward Club - Annual
Civic Luncheon, The Old Library at Guildhall, City of London
Ward Club - Annual Civic Lunch, The Old Library, Guildhall, City of
The League of Mercy - The Order of Mercy Dinner, Armourers' Hall, City of London
Seafarers UK - Centenary
Dinner at Guildhall, City of London

February 2017
20-Ghost Club - Annual
Dinner, Cutlers' Hall, London
Aldersgate Ward Club
- Annual Luncheon, The Livery Hall, Guildhall, London

City of
London Corporation - Markets Committee Dinner, Stationers' Hall,
City of London

January 2017
City of
London Corporation - Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee Dinner,
Carpenters' Hall, London
City of London
Corporation - Port Health and Environmental Services Dinner at Trinity House, City of London
December 2016
ABF The Soldiers’
Charity - Dinner and Charity Auction, The Crypts at Guildhall, City of
Danske Bank - Christmas
Lunch, Armourers' Hall, City of London
The Worshipful Company of Carmen -
Carol Service Supper, The Livery Hall at Guildhall, City of London

November 2016
Broad Street Ward Club - Annual Luncheon, The Crypts at Guildhall, City of London
Castle Baynard Ward Club -
Annual Dinner, Armourers' Hall, City of London
City of
London Corporation - Planning and Transport Committee Dinner,
Stationers' Hall, London

Emmanuel College -
Emmanuel Society
Dinner for Lawyers, Cutlers' Hall, London
Red Balloon Leaner Centres
- 20th Anniversary Celebration Dinner, Cutlers' Hall, London

Royal Tank Regiment -
Regimental Dinner, The Crypts at Guildhall, City of London

October 2016
Tie Dinner - The Crypts, Guildhall, City of London

Essay Cub
- Joint Dinner with the Cocked Hat Club, Armourers' Hall, City of London
Club - Olympic Celebratory Dinner - Guildhall, City of London

The Worshipful Company of
- Associated Companies Dinner, HMS President, St Katharine's Way, London
September 2016
July 2016
The Rt
Hon John Bercow, MP - Freedom of the City of London Dinner, The Chief
Commoner's Parlour, Guildhall
Coleman Street Ward Club
- Luncheon at Armourers' Hall, Coleman Street, City of London
The Rifles
- Regimental Dinner, The Crypts at Guildhall, City of London

June 2016
The Worshipful
Company of Bakers - The Great Fire Remembered - an evening with Samuel
Bakers' Hall, London

The Worshipful
Company of Fuellers - The Great Fire Remembered - an evening with Samuel
Bakers' Hall, London

May 2016
City of
London Corporation - Past Chief Commoners' Lunch, Chief Commoner's
Parlour, Guildhall, London
Joshua Leakey VC - Freedom of the City of London
Celebratory Lunch, Guildhall
HMS Duncan - At Canary Wharf
in London to mark the centenary of the Battle of Jutland

April 2016
Castle Baynard Ward Club -
Civic Luncheon, The Old Library, Guildhall, London
Kingston Smith -
Champagne Reception, Carpenters' Hall London
March 2016
Bread Street Ward Club - Annual Dinner, The Livery Hall,
Guildhall, City of London
City Livery Club
- Aero Section Luncheon, Guildhall Club
City of
London Corporation - Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee Dinner,
Cutlers' Hall, London
Ward Club - Annual Civic Lunch, The Crypts, Guildhall, City of
School - Prefects' Dinner, Cutlers' Hall, London
Langbourn Ward Club - Annual
Dinner, The Livery Hall at Guildhall, City
of London

The Zebra
Gala - in aid of the NET Patient Foundation and the Royal Free Charity

February 2016
City of
London Corporation - Markets Committee Dinner, The Crypts at Guildhall,
City of London

January 2016
Aldersgate Ward Club - Annual
Civic Luncheon, The Livery Hall, Guildhall, London

December 2015
Broad Street Ward Club - Annual Luncheon, The Crypts at Guildhall, City of London
Candlewick Ward Club
- Annual Breakfast and AGM, Guildhall, City of London
The Rifles
- Regimental Awards Dinner, Guildhall, City of London
Wedding Breakfast -
The Crypts at Guildhall, City of London

November 2015
Nehemiah Project - Charity
Ball in The Crypts at Guildhall, City of London

Rochford 1928 Trust - Luncheon
at Armourers' Hall, City of London
October 2015
City of
London Corporation - Michael McCulloch, Freedom of the City of London
Celebratory Lunch, Guildhall
September 2015
Agincourt 600 -
Banquet to Commemorate the 600th Anniversary, Guildhall, City of London

RedR UK - Dinner at Wax Chandlers'
Hall, City of London
August 2015
July 2015
Aldgate Ward Club
- Civic Luncheon, The Crypts,
Guildhall, City of London
June 2015
Lime Street Ward Club -
Civic Luncheon, The Livery Hall,
Guildhall, City of London

May 2015
City of
London Corporation - Dame Janet Suzman DBE, Freedom of the City of London
Celebratory Lunch
City of
London Corporation - His Excellency the Ambassador of Japan, Freedom of the City of London
Celebratory Lunch
Danske Bank - Presentation
& Canapé Reception, Armourers' Hall, City of London

Philatelic Society - President's Dinner, The Livery Hall, Guildhall,

April 2015
City of
London Corporation - Paul Sizeland CMG, Freedom of the City of London
Celebratory Lunch
City of
London Corporation - Dinner in the Chief Commoner's Parlour, Guildhall,
City of London
Meyrick Society -
The Meyrick Society Dinner, Armourers' Hall, City of London
Society of Saint George - Saint George's day Banquet, The Old Library,
Guildhall, London

Services Dinner, Guildhall, City of London

March 2015
Billingsgate Ward Club - Luncheon, The Livery Hall, Guildhall, London
Bread Street Ward Club - Annual Dinner, The Livery Hall,
Guildhall, City of London
City of
London Corporation - Dinner in the Chief Commoner's Parlour, Guildhall,
City of London

City of
London Corporation - Markets Committee Dinner Stationers' Hall,
City of London

Langbourn Ward Club - Annual Banquet, The Old Library, Guildhall, City
of London
Tower Ward
Club - Annual Luncheon, The Old Library,
Guildhall, City of London
February 2015
Bishopsgate Ward Club - Civic Luncheon, The Crypts, Guildhall, London

City of
London Corporation - Sir Nicholas Winton MBE, Freedom of the City of London
Celebratory Lunch
Ward Club - Annual Civic Lunch, The Old Library, Guildhall, City of
January 2015
City of
London Corporation - Sir Quentin Blake, Freedom of the City of London
Celebratory Lunch
Aldersgate Ward Club - Annual Luncheon, The Livery Hall, Guildhall, London
December 2014
Candlewick Ward Club - Annual Breakfast and AGM, Guildhall, City of London

The League of Mercy - The Order of Mercy Dinner, Armourers' Hall, City of London
Allied China Europe Society - Screen China Award Gala Dinner, Guildhall, City of London
City Livery Club - Christmas Luncheon, Trinity House, London
November 2014
Coventry University - Cyber Security Executive Dinner, Armourers' Hall, London
Broad Street Ward Club - Annual Luncheon, The Crypts at Guildhall, City of London
October 2014
City Livery Club
- Installation Dinner, Carpenters' Hall, London
City of
London Corporation - Sir Ian McKellen, Freedom of the City of London
Celebratory Lunch
September 2014
The Rifles
- Officers’ Regimental Dinner and Sounding Retreat, The Old Library,
Guildhall, City of London

Ward of Cheap Club - Civic Luncheon, The Crypt, Guildhall, City of
July 2014
Lime Street Ward Club -
Civic Luncheon, The Old Library,
Guildhall, City of London
City of
London Corporation - Past Chief Commoners' Lunch, Chief Commoner's
Parlour, Guildhall, London
June 2014
City Livery Club
- Centenary Banquet, Guildhall, City of London

Anchor Lodge - Annual
Ladies' Dinner, Bakers' Hall, London
May 2014
The Worshipful Company of
Insurers -
Luncheon to celebrate Mr Shuzo Sumi's Freedom of the City of London,
Armourers' Hall
April 2014
Lighting - Official Dinner to Celebrate FINA/NVC Diving World Series
2014, Guildhall, City of London
Reedonians - Bicentennial City Dinner, Cutlers' Hall, London
March 2014
Langbourn Ward Club - Annual Banquet, The Old Library, Guildhall, City
of London
Cripplegate Ward Club - Annual
Civic Luncheon, The Old Library,
Guildhall, City of London
February 2014
City of
London Corporation - Lord Richard Rogers, Freedom of the City of London
Celebratory Lunch
Bishopsgate Ward Club - Civic Luncheon, The Crypts, Guildhall, London
January 2014
City of
London Corporation - Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee Dinner,
Guildhall Old Library

December 2013
City Livery Club
- Christmas Luncheon, Carpenters' Hall, London

Danske Bank - Christmas
Lunch, Armourers' Hall, City of London

Street Ward Club - Annual Luncheon, The Crypts at Guildhall, City of
Port of London Authority - Board Lunch with the Company of Watermen &
Lightermen, Trinity House, London
November 2013
Catenian Association - Dinner to Celebrate the 1000th Meeting of the
City of London Circle, Stationers' Hall, London
Worshipful Company of Carpenters -
Rustington Convalescent Home Luncheon, Carpenters' Hall, City of London
October 2013
The City of London Clerks Coven - Annual
Luncheon, 1st Floor Dungeon, Information Technologists Hall, London

September 2013
August 2013
July 2013
Trinity House - Elder Brethrens' Guest Night
June 2013
Lime Street Ward Club -
Civic Luncheon, The Livery Hall,
Guildhall, City of London
May 2013
Aldgate Ward Club
- Luncheon, The Crypts,
Guildhall, London
April 2013
March 2013
Bread Street Ward Club - Annual Dinner, The Livery Hall,
Guildhall, City of London
February 2013
January 2013
City of
London Corporation - Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee Dinner,
Stationers' Hall, London
December 2012
November 2012
Hounds for
Heroes - “The Dog Fight Dinner” Wellington Barracks, London

October 2012
Wedding - The East Crypt and
Livery Hall, Guildhall, City of London

The City of London Clerks Coven - Annual
Luncheon, 1st Floor Dungeon, Information Technologists Hall, London

September 2012
July 2012
British Fencing
- Celebrating the Games of the 30th Olympiad, Cutlers' Hall, London

June 2012
May 2012
LABC London
Region - Building Excellence Awards, The Guildhall, City of London
April 2012
007 Masters' Association
- Diamond Jubilee Banquet, Stationers' Hall, London
March 2012
Cripplegate Ward Club - Annual Luncheon, The Old Library,
Guildhall, City of London
City of
London Corporation - Granting of the Freedom of the City of London to
Colin Firth CBE, Guildhall, London

City of
London Corporation - Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee Dinner,
The Crypts, Guildhall, London
February 2012
Carpenter Club - Annual Dinner, Great Hall of City of
London School
College - Sunday Times Award Celebratory Dinner
January 2012
December 2011
November 2011
October 2011
September 2011
British Red
Cross - A tribute to Stephen Fry, Guildhall, London
July 2011
June 2011
May 2011
April 2011
Ward Club - Annual Civic Lunch, Guildhall, City of London
March 2011
Tower Ward
Club - Annual Luncheon, The Livery Hall,
Guildhall, City of London
Bread Street Ward Club - Annual Dinner, The Livery Hall,
Guildhall, City of London
Cripplegate Ward Club - Annual Luncheon, The Old Library,
Guildhall, City of London
House - HMS Alliance Industry Dinner, Trinity House, London
February 2011
January 2011
Aldersgate Ward Club - Annual Luncheon, The Livery Hall,
Guildhall, London
December 2010
November 2010
18 Red
Lion Court - The Chambers of David Etherington, Annual Dinner
October 2010
Worshipful Company of Paviors - Presentation Dinner of the Lord Mayor
Elect Alderman Michael Bear, Cutlers' Hall,

September 2010
The League of Mercy - Grand Dinner, Armourers' Hall, London
July 2010
June 2010
May 2010
April 2010
February 2010
January 2010
December 2009
British Red
Cross - A tribute to Annie Lennox, Guildhall, London
November 2009
October 2009
City Livery Club
- Installation Dinner, Saddlers' Hall, London
July 2009
June 2009
May 2009