The earliest record of the activities of the Company in
relation to the glove trade was in 1349. Charles I granted the Company its
Charter on 10th September 1638. While carrying on the traditions of
mediaeval times and its connection with the City and the glove industry, the
Company has, in recent years, endeavoured to play a modem part in the
community in general through the medium of gloves.
Examples of the many activities of the Company include:
The maintenance and care of a unique collection of 17th to 19th Century
gloves, a selection of which is on display at the Museum of Costume in Bath.
The Trustees of this collection continue to collect examples of gloves from
the 19th Century onwards, a significant proportion of which is now on
display at Waddesdon Manor, near Aylesbury.
The presentation of hand-made gloves to Royalty on special occasions, to the
incoming Lord Mayor, Lady Mayoress and Sheriffs and embroidered gloves to a
new Lord Chief Justice, as well as gifts of gloves to many others.
Support for The Lord Mayor Treloar School and further education college in
Alton, Hampshire. This far-sighted foundation, for gifted children with
severe physical disabilities, has helped thousands to achieve a level of
academic attainment and independent living unreachable within the mainstream
education system. A number of other “Charities through Gloves” schemes are
in operation and have included gifts to Crisis, Providence Row, Manna and
The Passage.
Support is given to selected talented students with limited funds in
educational establishments such as the City of London School for Girls, King
Edward’s School at Witley and St. Paul’s Cathedral School.
There is a continuing supportive relationship with the modem glove industry
and encouragement for potential glove makers and designers. This includes
the annual award of prizes to the winners of the Student Glove Design and
Safety Poster Competitions.